Gigi and Saint puppies have arrived. Pups were born on 4/23/2023. Two blue merle females, one blue male and one lilac male. Gigi is doing an amazing job with her mamma duties. Puppies are all healthy and eating like crazy! Gigi and Saint are health tested and cleared through Wisdom Panel. All pups will be vet checked before leaving at eight weeks. A $500 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit will be required to hold a puppy. If your are interested in reserving a puppy please send us an email with your preferred gender/color. Pricing on this litter will start at $3,500 on up depending on DNA.
We are located in San Diego, CA. We offer local pickup or offer shipping via pet nanny for an additional fee depending on where you are located. We will be updating our site with updated pictures as the puppies continue to grow.